ChilliSmart GO App privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy was updated on January 24, 2024 and is effective January 24, 2024. 

"ChilliSmart GO" APP is developed and maintained by "Chongqing Zhouhai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.". Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy. If you have any questions, please contact us.


ChilliSmart GO (hereinafter referred to as "ChilliSmart GO" or "we") takes your privacy very seriously. Provide you with sports health records and displays related to mobile smart wearable devices. 

We take your privacy very seriously. This privacy policy is a privacy statement and commitment made by the ChilliSmart GO application, and is an important part of the "ChilliSmart GO Application Privacy Policy". If there are any inconsistencies between the ChilliSmart GO application and the "ChilliSmart GO Application Privacy Policy", this privacy policy shall prevail; if this privacy policy is not agreed, the "ChilliSmart GO Application Privacy Policy" shall prevail. In particular, the agreement on the "protection of minors' information, security measures, and cross-border transmission". It is recommended that you read the "ChilliSmart GO Application Privacy Policy" in detail. 

This privacy policy was formulated with full consideration of your needs. It is important that you fully understand our personal information collection and use practices, and at the same time ensure that you can ultimately control the personal information provided to us. This privacy policy stipulates how we collect, use, disclose, process and store the information you provide to us when you use our ChilliSmart GO app. "Personal information" under this privacy policy refers to data that can identify a specific individual through the information itself or through association with other information. We will strictly abide by this privacy policy to use this information. 

I. What information do we collect and how to use it

(I)Situations in which you must authorize us to collect and use your personal information

We will follow the principles of legitimacy, legality, transparency, and necessity, and collect and use the information you actively provide during the use of our products/services or that are generated by the use of our products/services for the following purposes described in this privacy policy. personal information. If we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this privacy policy, or if we use your personal information collected for other purposes for a specific purpose, we will inform you in a reasonable manner and use it after Obtain your consent again before doing so. You have the right to choose whether to provide this information, but in most cases, if you do not provide it, we may not be able to provide you with corresponding services or respond to your questions. These features include:

(1) Binding of smart wearable devices

In order to support the binding of your smart wearable device and application, we may collect your account information, smart wearable device identification information, device MAC address, software list, mobile phone device identification information (IMEI number encrypted by hash algorithm ), mobile phone model, system version number, Bluetooth information of smart wearable devices.

(2) Recording and display of sports and health information

When you use our smart wearable devices, we may collect and record information related to your exercise activities, including your step count and duration, exercise mode, cadence, exercise distance, exercise time, heart rate, and heartbeat information. In addition, we may collect your personal information, including your nickname, gender, birthday, height, and weight. This information will be used to calculate and display your heart rate, steps, calories burned by exercise, sleep time, etc. on the smart wearable device and application pages so that you can better understand your exercise status. Your personal information will also be used to provide you with exercise advice. This information will be displayed on the smart wearable devices and applications page, and you can view it at any time.

When you use our smart wearable devices (hereinafter referred to as "device"), we will collect and record information related to your exercise activities, including your number of steps, standing activities and duration, exercise mode, cadence, exercise distance, Information about exercise time, altitude, heart rate, number of strokes, number of strokes, number of turns, blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, and heartbeat. Among them, you can actively input and modify blood pressure and heart rate related information. In addition, we will collect your personal information, including your nickname, gender, birthday, height, weight, and body composition (body fat percentage). This information will be used to calculate and display heart rate, step count, calories burned by exercise, sleep time, etc. within the smart wearable device and application pages for you, so that you can better understand your exercise status. Your personal information will also be used to provide you with exercise advice. This information will be displayed on the smart wearable devices and applications page, and you can view it at any time.

If you do not provide your personal information (including your gender, height, age, weight), we will use default values ​​to calculate and display your heart rate, steps, calories burned by exercise, and sleep time. We will also use Default values are used to provide you with exercise suggestions.

We provide you with period recording and prediction services on some devices. When you use the menstrual prediction and recording service, we need to collect the menstrual-related dates and menstrual symptoms that you actively fill in to show you your menstrual status and provide menstrual prediction services based on past records. After you actively fill in and turn on this function, you can view the records on the watch device. Please rest assured that your information will only be used for display on the watch and will not be used for other purposes.

We provide you with pressure value recording services. When you use the stress recording service, we will collect your heart rate, the time you were awake during sleep, and the number of times you were awake to calculate your stress and show you changes in your stress. When you use the pressure value recording service for the first time, we need to perform a pressure value calibration test. Therefore, you need to proactively provide your recent status data. Please rest assured that the data you use for the pressure value calibration test is only saved locally and will not Upload to the cloud. Additionally, we offer 24/7 pressure monitoring that you can turn on or off at any time.

We provide you with sleep recording services. When you use the sleep recording service, we will collect the distribution of your deep sleep, light sleep, wakefulness and eye movement periods through your bound smart wearable device to provide you with high-precision sleep monitoring services.

We provide you with a skin temperature measurement service, for which we will collect your skin temperature data and measurement update time.

(3) Problem feedback

We may collect the feedback you provide to us and your contact information, which will be used to allow us to better understand the problems you encounter and contact you. If you actively upload logs to solve problems, we will collect your log information. The logs you upload contain exercise data (such as exercise mileage, exercise duration, etc.) and health data (such as heart rate, sleep time, stress data, etc.) . Please rest assured that the log information you upload will only be used to solve the problem and we will not use it for other purposes.

(4) Message notification function

If you turn on the notification push function, the push messages on your mobile phone will be pushed to the watch device at the same time. Please rest assured that we will not read your notification messages. Your notification messages will only be used for display on the watch. We won't save your notification messages. You can manage sync push settings on the app.

(5) Call reminder and call reception

You can use your watch device to control incoming calls from your mobile phone. When you turn on the phone reminder function in the app and the watch and mobile phone are connected, the watch device can display the incoming call number of the connected mobile phone and vibrate as a reminder. At this time, you can choose to reject the call or silence the phone's ringing. Please rest assured that your caller ID will only be displayed on the watch. Your caller ID will not be stored on the watch device or uploaded to the cloud.

If your device supports making and receiving calls, you can use your watch device to answer or make calls. In order to implement this feature, we need to collect your call history of made and received calls. The call history information of your outgoing and received calls will be saved on the watch device and will not be uploaded to the cloud. If you enable the permission to read the address book on the app, the app will synchronize caller numbers and contact names to your watch device for display.

(6) Control music playback on mobile phone

When the watch device is connected to the app, you can control the playback of the music app on your mobile phone through the watch device, such as pause/play, previous or next song, and volume control.

Please rest assured that we will not save your control operations or upload them to the cloud.

(7) Remote control camera function

If your device supports the remote camera function, after the watch device is connected to the app, you can use the watch device to control the camera app on your phone to take photos and take time-lapse photos. After completing the shooting, you need to check the shooting status on your mobile phone. Please rest assured that your control operations will not be collected by the watch device and will not be uploaded to the cloud.

(8) Third-party data output

Our service supports synchronizing the step information of your bound wearable device to a third-party platform. In order to support this function, we will collect your shared account ID on the third-party platform. If you no longer use this feature, you can unbind it and we will delete this information after unbinding it.

(II) Situations in which you can choose whether to authorize us to collect and use your personal information

In order to make it more convenient for you to use our voice interaction services and thereby improve your experience, our following additional features may collect and use your personal information. If you do not provide this personal information, you can still use the above basic services, but you may not be able to use these additional features that can bring you more optimized services. These additional features include:

  1. Additional functions of position information based on motion trajectory description:If you want to record the movement trajectory in outdoor sports scenes, after you enable the location permission of the application, we will collect your location information to draw the movement trajectory for you.
  2. Additional functions for sports data sharing:In order to provide you with more sports data recording experience, you can actively choose to share your sports data to third-party platforms (such as Strava, WeChat, QQ). In order to support this feature, we will collect your shared account information on third-party platforms, including account id, account nickname, and avatar. If you no longer use this feature, you can unbind and stop sharing, and we will delete this information after unbinding.
  3. Additional services based on positioning permissions:If you want to record the movement trajectory in outdoor sports scenes, after you enable the positioning permission of the application, we will collect your location information to draw the movement trajectory for you.
  4. Additional services based on permissions to read and write external storage space: Our application may collect pictures on the user's mobile phone for some purposes. Specific functions include changing personal avatars, changing dial background pictures, and user-selected pictures included in problem feedback. In addition, when users choose to share pictures or save shared pictures to their mobile phones, they also need to open the permission to read and write external space. Please note that any images submitted to our platform may be stored on our servers for future use, but we do not share these images with third parties and they are only used to improve our services and user experience.
  5. Additional services based on permissions to read address books and call records:If you want to display the caller number and contact name on your smart wearable device, after you enable the permission to read address books and call records, we will display the caller number and contact name when you use the "Show Contacts" function. Names synced to wearable devices.
  6. Additional services based on the authority to make and receive calls:If you want to control your phone to make calls through a wearable device, after you enable the permission to make and receive calls, we will provide you with the service of controlling calls through your device when you use the incoming call reminder function.
  7. Additional functions based on permission to send text messages:If you want to use the text message reply function after rejecting a call, after you enable the permission to send text messages, we will preset the call reply text message in the "Call Reminder Settings" in the app and reject the call on the device. When using the call and send text message function, we provide you with the service of sending a call reply text message to the other party.
  8. Additional features for notifications and access notification bar permissions:If you want to push messages to the supporting related devices through this app for display, you need to turn on notifications and enable access to the notification bar.

You can turn off the above permissions at any time to stop using related functions. After you turn off the relevant permissions, you may no longer be able to use additional permission-based business functions, but this will not affect your use of other services of this product.

(III).You are fully aware that we do not need to obtain your consent to collect and use personal information in the following situations:

.Relevant to the personal information controller's performance of obligations stipulated in laws and regulations;

.Directly related to national security and national defense security;

.Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

.Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

.To protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the personal information subject or other individuals but it is difficult to obtain the authorization and consent of the individual;

.The personal information involved is disclosed to the public by the personal information subject on his own initiative;

.Necessary to enter into and perform a contract at the request of the personal information subject;

.Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

.Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as discovering and handling product or service failures;

.The controller of personal information is a news organization and it is necessary for it to carry out legitimate news reporting;

.If the controller of personal information is an academic research institution, and it is necessary to carry out statistical or academic research for the public interest, and when it provides the results of academic research or description to external parties, the personal information contained in the results will be de-identified.

(IV)Non-personal information

We may also collect other information that cannot identify a specific individual (that is, information that is not personal information), such as your frequency of use, length of use, function page exposure, clicks, etc. The purpose of collecting this information is to improve the services we provide to you. The categories and amounts of information collected depend on how you use our products and/or services.

We aggregate this information to help us provide more useful information to our customers and understand which parts of our products and services are of most interest to them. Aggregated data is considered non-personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. If we combine non-personal information with personal information, such information will be treated as personal information during the period of combination.

2. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

(1) Sharing:

We do not sell any personal information to third parties.

1. Sharing that you actively choose

With your explicit consent or active choice, share information within the scope of your authorization with third parties designated by you.

2. Share your personal information with third-party service providers

Some of the services in this business are provided by third-party service providers. For this purpose, we need to provide some of your personal information to the third-party service providers. For example, under the following circumstances, we may share your personal information with the third-party service providers. personal information:

If we share your personal information with these third parties, we will use encryption and other means to ensure the security of your information. For companies and organizations with which we share personal information, we will conduct a reasonable review of their data security environment and sign strict data processing agreements with them, requiring third parties to take adequate protective measures for your information and strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations. and regulatory requirements.

We guarantee that we will only share personal information necessary to provide you with services for legitimate, legal, necessary, specific, and clear purposes. In addition, we will use encryption and other means to ensure the security of your information. We will contractually set out the practices and obligations of third parties to ensure that third-party service providers comply with applicable privacy standards in your jurisdiction. You should be aware that our authorization includes sub-processors for third-party service providers.

(2) Transfer

ChilliSmart GO will not transfer your information to any party:

3. How we store and protect your personal information

(1) Safety measures

We are committed to keeping your personal information safe. In order to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure or other similar risks, we have put in place all legally required physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard the information we collect from your mobile device. We will ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with applicable laws.

Your personal information is stored on secure servers and protected in controlled facilities. We classify your information according to importance and sensitivity, and ensure that your personal information has the corresponding security level.

We will conduct due diligence on third-party service providers and business partners to ensure they are capable of protecting your personal information. We will also check that third parties adopt appropriate security standards by implementing appropriate contractual restrictions and conducting audits and assessments where necessary. In addition, we ensure that our employees and third-party service providers and business partners who access this information to help provide products or services to you are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations.

We will handle the leakage of personal information in accordance with the requirements of applicable data protection regulations, and when necessary, promptly notify relevant regulatory agencies and data subjects of relevant data leakage events.

(2) What can you do?

You can do this by not disclosing your login password or account information to anyone. At any time, please do not disclose the verification code you receive to anyone.

When browsing or using other products or services provided by third parties, that third party's privacy statement or related policies will apply to any personal information you provide to that third party. Once you leave ChilliSmart GO, we will have no ability and direct obligation to protect any personal information you provide to third parties. Please properly protect your personal information and carefully read the privacy statement or related policies provided by the third party.

ChilliSmart GO is not responsible for any security breaches caused by third parties accessing your personal information due to your failure to keep your personal information private. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you should notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account by any other Internet user or any other security breach.

Your assistance will help us protect the privacy of your personal information.

4. Retention Policy

We retain personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which the information was collected as described in this Privacy Policy, or to comply with applicable relevant legal requirements. After the purpose of collection is completed, or after we confirm your deletion or cancellation request, or after we terminate the operation of the corresponding products or services, we will stop retaining it and delete or anonymize it. If it is for public interest, scientific, historical research or statistical purposes, we will continue to retain relevant data based on applicable law, even if further data processing is not related to the original purpose of collection.

5. Your rights

(1) Control settings

We recognize that everyone's privacy concerns vary. Therefore, we have provided some examples of the various ways in which the ChilliSmart GO app provides you with choices to limit the collection, use, disclosure or processing of your personal information and to control your privacy settings:

.Bind/unbind smart wearable devices in the app;

.Modify your personal information in the settings page;

(2) Your rights to your personal information

In accordance with the laws and regulations of the country or region that apply to you, you have the right to request access, correction, and deletion of any personal information we hold about you (hereinafter referred to as a request).

Most laws require that requests made by personal information subjects should comply with specific requirements. This privacy policy requires that your request should comply with the following circumstances:

.Through our dedicated request channels, and to protect the security of your information, your request should be in writing (unless local law specifically recognizes oral requests);

.Provide sufficient information so that we can verify your identity and ensure that the requester is the subject of the requested information or a legally authorized person;

Once we have sufficient information to confirm that we can process your request, we will respond to your request within the time required by applicable data protection laws. in particular:

.Based on your request and applicable laws and regulations, we can provide a record of your personal information that we have collected and processed for free,

.If you believe that any information we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, you can request that the personal information be corrected or completed for the purposes for which it is used.

.Depending on the laws and regulations that apply to you, you may have the right to request that we delete your personal data. We will evaluate your deletion request and, if the corresponding requirements are met, we will take appropriate steps, including technical means, to process it. When you or we assist you in deleting relevant information, we may not be able to immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system due to applicable laws and security technologies. We will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing. Until the backup can be purged or made anonymous.

We reserve the right to refuse to process frivolous/obsessively repetitive requests, requests that harm the privacy rights of others, requests that are extremely unrealistic, require disproportionate technical effort, requests that are not required to be granted under local law, information that has already been made public, and confidentiality. Information given under conditions. We may also refuse a request to delete data or to access data if we believe that aspects of it may prevent us from legitimately using the data for the anti-fraud and security purposes set out above.

(3) Cancel service or account

If you want to cancel a specific product or service, you can do so in the following ways:

Open ChilliSmart GO and visit "Me" - "Account and Security" - "Cancel Account" to complete the cancellation of the account or service. To protect your rights and interests, please carefully check the instructions on the account cancellation page to complete the cancellation. We will complete your cancellation request within the time prompted on the page (generally no more than the 15-day time limit stipulated by law). If you wish to cancel your account, please proceed with caution as the operation of canceling your account will prevent you from using our products and services. In order to protect your or others' legitimate rights and interests, we will determine whether to support your cancellation request based on your use of products and services.

6. Third-party websites and services

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to products or services provided by third parties. Depending on the products or services of the ChilliSmart GO application you use, these may include third-party products or services involving smart wearable device settings and other types. When you use these products or services, your information may also be collected. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take the time to read that third party's privacy policy as much as you read ours. We are not responsible for, and have no control over, how third parties use the personal information they collect from you. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to other websites linked through our Services.

The following provides examples of third-party terms and privacy policies that may apply when you use the specific products or services listed above:

Location service provider:

Third-party platform for data output:

Log reporting provider:

7. How to update this policy

We will regularly review our privacy policy based on business and technology changes, and we may update this privacy policy. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you through an in-app pop-up so that you can understand the information we collect and how we use it. Such privacy policy changes will apply beginning on the updated date of the notice. We recommend that you regularly review the in-app privacy policy for the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of the Products, mobile phones and/or services on any other device will be deemed acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy. When we collect more personal information from you or we use or disclose your personal information for new purposes, we will obtain your consent again.

8. How to contact us

1. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this privacy policy or your personal information, complaints or reports, please contact us at Or you can contact us at any time by visiting ChilliSmart GO Feedback.